Monday, 8th October
Australian Society for Fish Biology Conference 2018
Sunday, 7th October
Monday, 8th October
Tuesday, 9th October
Wednesday, 10th October
Thursday, 11th October
Registration Opens
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Monday, 8th October
Skyline Lounge
9:00AM - 9:30AM
Monday, 8th October
Skyline Room
9:30AM - 10:30AM
Monday, 8th October
Skyline Room
Chair: John Morrongiello
Integrating socio-economic dimensions into ecological research and management frameworks
Eva Plaganyi
Morning Tea
10:30AM - 11:00AM
Monday, 8th October
Skyline Lounge
Fisheries Management
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Monday, 8th October
Realm Room
Chair: Malcolm Haddon
Sponsored by:
Managing quota in a multi-species, multi-gear fishery in Shark Bay WA
Rebecca Oliver
Responding to changing demands in fisheries management, refocussing monitoring and assessment
George Day
Fish, fisheries and environmental assessment and management
Marcus P Lincoln Smith
Healthcheck for Australian Fisheries Sustainability
Richard Little
Performance of Australian fisheries relative to target objectives
Nicholas Hill
Adaptive Management
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Monday, 8th October
Panorama Room
Chair: Katherine Cheshire
Applied science in the era of ‘fake news’: are we moving forward or backward?
Jarod Lyon
Influence of river flows on small-scale movements of Golden perch and Murray cod in the Namoi River: implications for water sharing planning.
Craig A Boys
“Does anyone here speak water-ish?” – How the benefits of environmental flows get lost in translation.
Kylee Carpenter
Friends with benefits when fish science met environmental water management
Heleena Bamford
Meta-population model to inform the management of a once widespread flow dependent freshwater fish.
Charles Todd
Behavioural Responses
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Monday, 8th October
Vista Room
Chair: Robin Hale
Recovery of threatened dwarf galaxias along Dandenong Creek, Melbourne
Rhys Coleman
Using behavioural information to inform conservation of the threatened dwarf galaxias
Robin Hale
Distinct behavioural responses of selected closely related New Zealand native galaxiids to progressive escapable hypoxia
Christine Ulrich
The effects of hypoxia on Australian freshwater fish species
Bronwyn M Gillanders
Effects of temperature on habitat use and home range patterns of coral trout
Plectropomus leopardus
on the Great Barrier Reef Australia
Molly E Scott
Mixed-species Shoaling as a Behavioural Mechanism Facilitating the Survival of Tropical Fishes in Temperate Regions
Kai C. Paijmans
Life History and Evolution
11:00AM - 12:30PM
Monday, 8th October
Horizon Room
Chair: Brendan Ebner
Understanding the effects of river flows on population connectivity and genetic viability of Australian freshwater fish species
Katherine Harrisson
Live fast, die young? Mixed effects modelling reveals limited support for a pace-of-life syndrome in trout
Thomas A Schmitt
Ecology matters: pace-of-life syndrome differs between two populations of eastern mosquitofish with divergent life history
Giovanni Polverino
Niche construction by a farming fish & the natural selection of domestication
Rohan Brooker
Life-history, ecology and demographics of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in an environmentally impacted estuarine environment
David Moreno
12:30PM - 1:30PM
Monday, 8th October
Skyline Lounge
Fisheries Management
1:30PM - 3:00PM
Monday, 8th October
Realm Room
Chair: Ashley Fowler
Reforming the South Australian Marine Scalefish Fishery
Jon Presser
Best practice guidelines for Australian fisheries management agencies
Richard Little
The role of partially protected areas as a conservation and management tool
April E Hall
Evaluating fishery management strategies with the inclusion of a marine closure.
Jemery Day
Adapting to challenges in a Western Australian abalone fishery
Shane Walters
MSC certification as a driver for collaboration between science, management and industry – the WA experience.
Sascha Brand-Gardner
Adaptive Management
1:30PM - 2:45PM
Monday, 8th October
Panorama Room
Chair: Jarod Lyon
Integrating diverse data types to improve predictions of size-structured population dynamics
Jian Yen
Do fish respond to enhanced in-stream detritus? Using ecology to inform restoration
Gabriel L Cornell
Fish and Flows: Developing objectives and targets for freshwater fish in NSW Long Term Water Plans
Katherine Cheshire
Looking for larvae in a stressed river system – is adding water enough?
Stephen Balcombe
Modelling the impacts of reservoir expansion on a threatened riverine fish
Scott Raymond
Monitoring fish response to environmental flows in a northern Victorian river
Matthew Jones
Behavioural Responses
1:30PM - 3:00PM
Monday, 8th October
Vista Room
Chair: Bob Wong
Abiotic drivers of Murray cod activity rates
Jason D Thiem
Time-energy budgets derived from animal-borne instruments clarify the responses of fish to changing temperatures
Adrian Gleiss
Accelerometers forecast behavioural response to climate change in critically endangered sawfish
Karissa Lear
Effects of ocean acidification and warming on behavioral and metabolic traits of a large pelagic fish
Taryn D Laubenstein
A growth-promoting agricultural pollutant alters ecologically important behaviours in fish
Michael G Bertram
A psychiatric pollutant compromises antipredator behaviour in fish.
Bob BM Wong
Life History and Evolution
1:30PM - 3:00PM
Monday, 8th October
Horizon Room
Chair: Osmar Luiz
Local larval retention and dispersal results in distinct environmental histories in a temperate reef fish
Stephen Swearer
Recruitment and habitat use of juvenile fish in the challenging macrotidal environment of the kimberley
Camilla Piggott
Evaluating the contributions of black bream (
Acanthopagrus butcheri
) spawning tributaries to year class strength in the Gippsland Lakes using otolith trace element fingerprinting
Oliver R.B. Thomas
Within-season changes in otolith microstructure and chemistry expose the complex early life history of a temperate marine finfish
Troy A Rogers
A new method for non-destructive high resolution oxygen isotope analysis of otoliths
Sarah Hearne
Is critical speed the best measure of swimming capabilities for fish larvae?
Jeffrey Leis
Afternoon Tea
3:00PM - 3:30PM
Monday, 8th October
Skyline Lounge
Fisheries Management
3:30PM - 5:00PM
Monday, 8th October
Realm Room
Chair: Jon Presser
Fisheries integration across the Pacific: Australia and Chile.
Claudio Castillo-Jordán
Socially responsible stingray fishing rules - working with all stakeholders to achieve a balanced solution
Jo Klemke
Enhancing the human nutrition and livelihood benefits from a small-scale, small-pelagic fishery
Kim Hunnam
Keeping pace with market shocks
Blake Taylor
Integrating customary rights into fisheries management
Shane Holland
Adaptive Management
3:30PM - 4:45PM
Monday, 8th October
Panorama Room
Chair: Zeb Tonkin
Understanding the feasibility of using artificial habitats to protect galaxiid populations in yingina / Great Lake
David N Ikedife
Continuing the recovery of barred galaxias - learning by doing
Lauren Johnson
Immigration of silver perch into tributary streams of the Murray River and the influence of streamflow
Wayne Koster
An application of flagship species and broad scale aquatic biodiversity indicators for potential water resource developments in northern Australia
Brendan C Ebner
Screening the Cohuna Channel diversion to keep native fish in Gunbower Creek
Peter Rose
Fish Passage in streams of the Gulf of Carpentaria, unique life histories driven by highly variable flow regimes
Tim Marsden
Behavioural Responses
3:30PM - 5:00PM
Monday, 8th October
Vista Room
Chair: Robin Hale
Environmental change in early ontogeny influences cognitive ability in intertidal gobies
Penelope S Carbia
Long-term changes in sociality of butterflyfishes linked to population declines and coral loss
Cassandra A Thompson
Halos of fear the impact of predation threat on feeding behaviour of mesopredatory fishes around patch reefs
Emily Lester
Seeing Red: The role of long wavelength sensitive cones in the visual ecology of bluestriped goatfish
Louise Tosetto
Fatal Attraction: Factors influencing mate preference in the Running River Rainbowfish
Karl Moy
Quantification of colour patterns reveals rapid differentiation and conflicting geographic range effects on reef fish colouration
Christopher R Hemingson
Biology, Ecology and Evolution
3:30PM - 5:00PM
Monday, 8th October
Horizon Room
Chair: Katherine Harrisson
Seasonal dynamics of tidal pool fish community in the Seongsan of Jeju Island, Korea
Hyuck Joon Kwun
Distribution, ecology and potential establishment of the non-native ocellate river stingray
Potamotrygon motoro
Jeffrey T.B. Kwik
Dietary comparison of the tropical herbivore
Siganus fuscescens
and a range of temperate seagrass-associated omnivorous fishes
Casper S Avenant
Exploring spatial heterogeneity of algal removal by herbivorous fishes on coral reefs
Robert P Streit
The ecology of important subsistence fishery species under varying environmental conditions
Eva C McClure
holdfasts are not targeted by herbivorous fishes
Zoe Loffler
Alien Species Committee meeting
5:10PM - 6:00PM
Monday, 8th October
Panorama Room
Student Night
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Monday, 8th October
Panama Dining Room
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Tuesday →