Linkages between small scale movements (0-10km) and river flow was investigated for golden perch Macquaria ambigua and Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii in the Namoi River using acoustic telemetry. Movement was strongly seasonal for both species, being most prevalent during the spawning season (spring to early summer). Golden perch were typically sedentary over winter and undertook upstream movements in spring. Murray cod activity was highest in spring and lowest in summer. Murray cod were also observed to undertake frequent small-scale movements in response to small flow-pulses during winter, suggesting these flows may be of ecological importance to this species. Greater access of irrigators to supplementary flow events between July and October are currently being considered for inclusion in the revised Namoi River Water Sharing Plan. The frequent small-flow-pulse associated movements of Murray cod during these months emphasises the need to ensure that any increase in irrigator access does not significantly impact on the frequency, size and duration of small flow events.