Fish entrained in irrigation channels are exposed to poor quality habitat, low-to-no over winter flows, increased predation, injury or death from irrigation pumps, and usually have no passage to return to the natural system.
In the USA and Europe, self-cleaning screens limit fish movement into waterways, hydropower stations and pump houses. In many of these instances screens are required under legislation, resulting in a well-established and innovative industry.
Larval drift surveys undertaken by North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) in Gunbower Creek over November-December 2017 revealed that approximately 5,500 fish larvae from four species, including more than 160 Murray cod larvae, are being entrained per day in the Cohuna Channel during the peak larval drift period.
To prevent these losses, NCCMA in partnership with the Victorian Environmental Water Holder and AWMA Water Control Solutions, are installing Australia’s first self-cleaning irrigation channel screen to prevent fish entrainment from Gunbower Creek to the Cohuna Channel. The screen has been designed to suit the needs and spawning strategies of Murray-Darling Basin fish species. The design builds on the extensive knowledge of AWMA and their industry partners in the USA, factoring in local hydrology to ensure the delivery of irrigation water is not impeded.