Martin F Gomon Australian Society for Fish Biology Conference 2018

Martin F Gomon

Dr Martin Gomon has been a long standing member of the Australian Society for Fish Biology, holding positions as the ASFB Secretary, Council Member, Public Officer and Chair of the 2010 Conference Organising Committee. He is Senior Curator, Ichthyology at Museum Victoria in Melbourne, where he has held the fish research position from its inception in 1979. Born in Detroit, Michigan, Martin received a Masters and PhD from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of Miami, during which time he was employed as collection manager in the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service Tropical Atlantic Biological Laboratory Fish Collection and technical officer in the Fish Division of the U.S. National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution. An author of more than 60 academic papers, reports and other publications, Martin was the main editor for and a principle contributor to our two most comprehensive field guides to southern Australian fishes: ‘Fishes of Australia’s South Coast’ (Gomon, Glover & Kuiter, 1994) and its sequel ‘Fishes of Australia’s Southern Coast’ (Gomon, Bray & Kuiter, 2008). With an active interest in the interrelationships and evolution of fishes, Dr. Gomon is a world authority on a number of fish families, including the second largest marine family Labridae and more recently the aulopiform families Aulopidae, Chlorophthalmidae and Paraulopidae. He has recently collaborated on studies refining our understanding of the diversity of marine habitats around Australia from the coastline to the deepsea, and was instrumental in garnering funding for the website Fishes of Australia ( ) that is already providing detailed information about many of Australia’s more than 4,000 species of fishes.

Abstracts this author is presenting: